s Flee Threshold
k c B

System Phase

Mines Deploy Bombs Deploy
Device overlaps an enemy OR device in enemy at range 1. // Device in enemy at range 0-2. //
Device in enemy at range 1-2. / Device in enemy at range 3. fused / unfused
Device in enemy at range 3. Device in enemy at range 2.
Device in enemy at range 3. Device in enemy at range 3. fuse
  • When a choice between multiple device positions and/or shape exist Choose the device and position that places the device closest to an enemy ship referenced by the logic criteria.
  • When multiple bombs are equipped, roll randomly to determine which device is dropped or launched
Activation Phase
To mitigate blind friendly damage from AI bombs and to prevent excessive swerving:
  • AI ships do not swerve away from friendly devices, except for those that are obstacles.
  • AI ships do not detonate or suffer effects of non-obstacle friendly mines.
  • Before a friendly bomb detonates that would only affect friendly AI ships, remove it from the board without effect.
  • When a friendly bomb detonates that affects MORE friendly AI ships than enemy ships, reduce the number of AI ships affected until the same number of ships are affected on both sides. AI ships furthest from the device are spared.
AI Enemy Device Avoidance
If an AI ship's maneuver or reposition action (such as barrel rolling to get a shot) would cause it to suffer the effects of 1 or more enemy devices this round, determine if it attempts to avoid them:
  1. If the ship would be destroyed by direct damage from enemy devices (damage not determined by dice), it will always attempt to avoid enemy devices. Include seismic charges that could effect the ship as doing direct damage for this calculation.
  2. Otherwise, the ship rolls 1 defense die for every enemy device it is threatened by (including seismic charges): If 1 or more evade results are rolled, the ship attempts to avoid enemy devices.
Device avoiding ships that entered threat via repositioning simply cancel the action and select another. Device avoiding ships that entered threat via its maneuver will attempt to:
  1. Swerve to avoid enemy mines unless this would cause it to move through or overlap an obstacle, suffer the effects of enemy devices its original move would avoid, or flee.
  2. Use reposition actions to avoid the effects of enemy End of Activation Devices as follows:
    • Avoid the most enemy devices possible (include all obstacle threats via seismic charges).
    • Then, in priority order: avoid target's arc and get a shot / get a shot / avoid target's arc.